

MYS involves in national and regional events such as National Strategic Plan on HIV, CSE curriculum development, UNAIDS Global AIDS strategic planning, etc and constantly demands for anti-discrimination, specific health budget allocation and systematic data recording for YKP (21 For evidence-based advocacy).

To undergo effective advocacy processes and youth policy implementation with meaningful YKP participation, MYS became a member of CNC (Community Network Consortium – HIV) (31 and advocate for MHSCC) and also collaborates with Youth Policy Committee members.


  • Policy influencing for the equal rights for Young Key Affected Populations of HIV


  • Advocacy is one of the core programs of MYS and its in-built in our key policies, strategic plan, and everyday work. The ultimate advocacy goal of MYS is to create an enabling environment for YKPs where they can enjoy their life adhering to the highest standards of human rights – free from discrimination and injustice. MYS applies numerous approaches to advocacy at various levels.


  • Our country partners lead the country-level advocacy. MYS supports advocacy through the YKP Grants Programme, offers technical support and establishes strategic partnership to leverage the network’s presence. Some of our advocacy agendas include influencing national policies such as the National Strategic Plan on HIV, YKP friendly HIV interventions, engagement of YKP in decision-making levels (e.g. Country Coordinating Mechanism – The Global Fund), addressing legal barriers and challenges (e.g. age of consent), the Global Fund country proposal development, and much more.


  • MYS secretariat primarily leads the regional and global advocacy with support from its board member, country network partners and focal points. MYS consistently explores opportunities to engage in crucial meetings such as Inter-governmental Meetings (e.g. APPC, APFSD, IGM on HIV, High-Level meetings), AIDS conferences, SRHR conferences, the Global Fund Board Meeting and UNAIDS PCB meeting. Additionally, MYS has on various occasions co-organized pre-youth forums for APPC and APFSD with regional partners; have been involved as a delegation member to the Global Fund Board; have been observers at the UNIADS PCB meetings, and have been steering committee members for SRHR conference. These are the platforms where regional and global dialogues take place when it comes to decisions being made directly/indirectly on young key populations.